
The Harvest is Plentiful but the Workers are Few.

Harvest Time!

The Harvest is Plentiful

In 2004, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Within  two weeks I’d come under such strong conviction by the Holy Spirit to begin saving Souls. I remember seeing my Bible on the coffee table. I picked it up and walked out the front door down the street to a neighborhood that was known as code red. It was drug-infested, prostitutes and gang members. 

Previously in my life I’ve been off and on with the Lord. Saying the sinner’s prayer and then only later to loose my salvation. Being clueless that God had a calling on my life, I had very little understanding of being a minister. I would walk down the street  and would come into contact with people and there I would minister Jesus Christ to the Lost.

On The Job Training

Being so new to the savings of Souls, the Holy Spirit gave me “on the job training.” The church that my wife and I attended was a major help in teaching us how to fast, pray, and study the Bible. This is where my strength would be in my fasting and praying, only to find out that it would be dealing with darkness or evil in people’s life that had them captured. The Bible says “being a child of Satan.”

All this was so new to me. But yet within two weeks of the sinner’s prayer I found myself walking the streets looking for lost souls. As I would minster on the street daily, and months on months, I would notice that I was the only one in the streets that would Minister Jesus Christ to the lost in my city and in my neighborhood.

Insight of The harvest

It was as if I was developing this conscious awareness, or insight, on how truly the Harvest is plentiful. I would make covenants with God that I would stay out of the street for two weeks. And I would not stop saving Souls until I would bring 20, sometimes 40, souls to the Lord and then I would rest. All along I was gaining wisdom knowledge and understanding on how effectively to save Souls. In other words, God was giving me great wisdom on how to save Souls. As the Bible says “he that saves Souls is wise.”

Compel Your Church

16 years later, as a Minister, I can truly say that the Harvest is still truly plentiful. However, there are very few laborers to minister in the Harvest of God. I learned over the many years that church is just basically, Church. Is it possible that the church should at least have a soul saving team? Maybe a Soul Saving Center in order to retrieve the lost souls that God requires of us to do for His kingdom.

I save Souls because I was compelled. And, I believe that I was compelled by the Holy Spirit because someone prayed to the Lord of the Harvest. As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I can say that the harvest is truly plentiful.

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