
Five Ways to Minister During a COVID 19 Pandemic




Groundbreaking stories of those who are truly Godsent around the world to do His will in the Harvest.

Five Ways to Minister During a COVID 19 Pandemic

We were all caught off guard by COVID 19. We all had a routine, a certain way of ministering. Now with social distancing, things are much different than they used to be. However, the Ministry must go on. As they say, the show must go on, we also know that we are all the King’s subjects. I would love to share with you five ways to minister during the pandemic.

  1. Standing 6 to 8 feet away from those that need to be ministered to with a face covering or mask.
  2. We can always use our cell phones by connecting with those that are in need of prayer.
  3. You can use the church parking lot and set up a small pop-up tent.
  4. Social media is a great way to reach the lost and those that are in need of prayer.
  5. Keep praise and worship going on behalf of the church. The parking lot, again, is great for this.

Pray For Witty Inventions

In this season we will need to pray for God’s witty inventions. Proverbs 8:12 wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. The Wisdom of God is more than sustainable for the body of Christ during any storm. As you begin to minister the five ways during the pandemic, I believe that God will multiply the five and with the greatest of ease. The five will become ten.

Don’t Quit, The Kingdom Needs You

Watching too much news about COVID 19 can damper your will to minister to others in need. As ambassadors of Christ, we still have a job to do. However, it must be done with the wisdom of God.

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